Through Samtly's Eyes
Every year following the Chinese calendar. on one particular day within the 15-day celebration of Chinese New Year... A Temple in Sugai Bulor will be pack with devotees gathering for rituals where they will walk across a man-made bridge symbolise a change for better luck for the new year ahead.
Every year following the Chinese calendar. on one particular day within the 15-day celebration of Chinese New Year... A Temple in Sugai Bulor will be pack with devotees gathering for rituals where they will walk across a man-made bridge symbolise a change for better luck for the new year ahead.
Every year following the Chinese calendar. on one particular day within the 15-day celebration of Chinese New Year... A Temple in Sugai Bulor will be pack with devotees gathering for rituals where they will walk across a man-made bridge symbolise a change for better luck for the new year ahead.
Every year following the Chinese calendar. on one particular day within the 15-day celebration of Chinese New Year... A Temple in Sugai Bulor will be pack with devotees gathering for rituals where they will walk across a man-made bridge symbolise a change for better luck for the new year ahead.
One of the unique thing to witness is the whole event are led by a Chinese medium who will be in a trance, where he was transformed into a child-like character for this particular event.
Devotee kneeling before the god to make their pledge and wishes for a better New Year ahead.
Devotee kneeling before the god to make their pledge and wishes for a better New Year ahead.
Devotee kneeling before the god to make their pledge and wishes for a better New Year ahead.
Devotee kneeling before the god to make their pledge and wishes for a better New Year ahead.