Through Samtly's Eyes
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to the temple to give offering, burn incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to the temple to give offering, burn incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Hundred if not thousand of incense are burn as offering, at time the whole place will be so smoky that it hurt the eyes
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Hundred if not thousand of incense are burn as offering, at time the whole place will be so smoky that it hurt the eyes
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to the temple to give offering, burn incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to temple to give offering, burning incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to temple to give offering, burning incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees would come to temple to give offering, burning incense, some will go on strict vegetarian diet and wear only white.
The Nine Emperor Gods Festival is a nine-day celebration beginning on the eve of 9th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Devotees way of speaking to god.